Mau cari peruntungan seperti Kevin Rose?
Sukur-sukur sih bisa sukses. Bikin situs yang lagi ngetren, pasangin google Ad Sense atau buat ad rotator engine sendiri dan siapa tau yang ngiklan banyak. Trus kipas-kipas deh.
Ternyata mencari peruntungan yang saya maksud ini ga susah-susah juga. Salah satu situs yang mencoba mengail dolar di dunia maya adalah bvibes.com.
Kenapa ga susah? Ternyata, si pencipta www.bvibes.com membangun situs social bookmarking ini hanya menggunakan software gratis www.pligg.com. Anda bisa lihat di sisi bawah situs bvibes.com.
Situs bvibes.com mengklaim bahwa ia berbeda dengan digg.com. Untuk detailnya, berikut kutipan dari FAQ-nya:
What is bVibes?
bVibes is a social bookmarking site that allows you to submit a blog post that will be reviewed by other users and will be promoted, based on popularity, to the main page. When a user submits a post, it will be placed in the "New Vibes" area until it gains sufficient votes to be promoted to the "Hot Vibes" main page.
How is it different from websites like Digg?
- bVibes is dedicated for blogs. Links to non-blogs are not allowed here. So, it's the place to visit for reading the best blog posts in blogosphere. Also, your submissions don't have to compete with other news/website articles but only other blog posts (unlike Digg).
- You are welcome to submit your own blog posts. But, you can also submit other good posts that you come across.
- To ensure the quality of posts, submissions are controlled by credits. A user can only submit as many posts as the number of credits (s)he has. We believe this policy will encourage the users to submit good quality posts only.
- There is no voting down or burying in bVibes (true democracy). So, your submissions won't vanish just because 10 users didn't like it.
Gampang khan? Contek situs ngetop, trus spesifikasi contentnya. Seperti bvibes yang difokuskan hanya pada blog. Non-blog tidak boleh di link.
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Anda ga bisa bikin advertise script? Tinggal pasang Google Ad Sense.
Ok, pengantarnya cukup. Sekarang saatnya test drive.
Klik register.

Tahap pertama, kita isi username, email, password dan...
Sekarang masuk tahap kedua. Validasi.

Masukan nomor yang tersedia, klik continue dan...
Loh, kok ga bisa?
Katanya , “The security code provided is not correct”

coba lagi.
Masih Ga bisa juga.
Coba Refresh browser.
Masih ga bisa juga???
Walah... Ga bener ini. Tapi ga papa lah. Namanya juga situs baru. Ntar juga dibenerin. Mungkin di tempat lain bisa dan hanya di komputer saya saja yang ga bisa. Who knows?
1 comment:
Tukang ketik, bagaimana nih? Kasih info kok ngga afdol :)
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